Day 11 5/21

 Today I created Class 7 and 8 agendas. For the Class 7 Poem of the Day, I read through Pandemic Spring again looking for a shorter length poem, yet one that would still allow for conversation and analysis. I ended up selecting a short poem called "Graduating College During a Global Pandemic", and then asked for a discussion focused on the poem's structure and its effectiveness. Following the daily poem, I found two introductory videos after perusing to introduce Station Eleven finally. First I included an interview with the author, Emily St. John Mandel, to give an initial look to the text; secondly, I felt that it was important, (especially given that King Lear is not part of any other course at Proctor) to give context for the novel as it heavily references Shakespeare's King Lear. To help with this, I found a synopsis video which should help with at least giving a base level introduction to Lear. Class 8 I intentionally kept simple; first, I found an article which suggested a poem called "Quarantine", which I selected as the Poem of the Day. The rest of the class I decided was best fit as an independent reading day as including those reading days are the only way to get through Station Eleven. 


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