Day 12 5/24 

Today I completed the Class 9 agenda, which was heavily focused on an article featured in the The Washington Post, called "The Poetry Which Spoke Most to the Pandemic". Initially, I used this to find a suggestion for the daily poem, which worked perfectly as it was actually my Poetry Out Loud poem, "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth. After reading that poem, I wanted there to be a brief class discussion on the poem, focusing on the concept of solitude, which is the central message of the poem. I decided to have the class then read the entirety of The Washington Post article. I was able to turn this into a reading and writing assignment, as the article suggests twelve other poems to read which spoke to the pandemic. The assignment is to read at least one of those poems, then write a 5 sentence reader response paper, (I included the rubric for that), as well as a theme statement which should help to get both the understanding of why the poem was included in the article and a greater statement on pandemics in general. I found and included a helpful video which gave an explanation on how to write a theme statement. One of the suggestions which John gave me was to incorporate as much student choice as possible. I think I successfully implemented that with the reading and writing assignment today, and definitely feel I would enjoy this day's class as a student. 


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